Worship at Grace


Vespers Service: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sanctuary

Sunday Morning Worship: 9 a.m. Sanctuary.

Holy Communion every first Saturday/Sunday of the month and on festival Sundays and other occasions throughout the year.  

Online worship available through youtube, facebook live, and local Venturecomm Cable On-demand Access. 


 Current Procedures For  In-person Worship at Grace Lutheran Church 

To enter and exit use the west sanctuary doors off 3rd Avenue. Ushers will be on hand to open doors. All other doors will be locked for the time being. 

Masks are required for all worshipers and a limited supply will be available at church if you need one. 

Offering may be left in the basket at the back of the church as you leave.  

Seating - Households are encouraged to sit together in a pew. Others are encouraged to maintain the recommended 6 ft of physical distancing between themselves and others.

Dismissal will be by pews with the ushers helping us maintain physical distancing.

Fellowship/Coffee Time is suspended at the current time.

Touching (hugs/handshakes) is discouraged at this time. 

Saturday Vespers (5:30pm) will move from the chapel to the sanctuary to give us more space.

 What To Expect in the Worship Service

Holy Communion will be offered by by servers wearing masks and gloves. We will use individual disposable cups and wafers.  Ushers will release pews in a manner that prevents crowding. Children will be offered a spoken blessing. Pastor Patrick is also offering several other options for receiving Holy Communion (bringing it to you home, over the phone, and drive-through) If you wish to receive the sacrament outside of the worship service please contact him directly: (605) 419-2152, p.michael.jenkins@gmail.com 


Congregational Singing/Speaking will be limited but the service will offer plenty of music in the form of solos, instrumentals, and recordings to help us hear God’s Word. Confession and Forgiveness, scripture reading, preaching, and prayer will form the basic outline of the service. 


We look forward to seeing you soon and celebrating God’s amazing grace together.